Carved guitar body, custom guitar body, telecaster guitar body
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Telecaster Carved Guitar Body

Eden Art Carved Guitars is the maker of this gorgeous custom carved guitar body styled after the famous Telecaster body shape.  They performed all the carving and art work on the body.  The goal was to take this art piece and apply a high end durable finish that would not only add to its beauty but also protect the artwork.  The center is an applied skin that has been dyed to this wonderful red.  The carving is accented with metallic gold tones. 

We applied a Nitrocellulose finish over their hand applied sealer coats. The brilliance of the color and artwork were enhanced to a deep glow.  The back of the guitar body was wet sanded and buffed.  The front was just sprayed, yet has a very high gloss.

An art guitar does not have to be restricted to a poly or hand applied finish.  We can take your special art guitar body to that next level with a Nitrocellulose finish.